IRENA – CEPRI Joint Webinar: Release of the Report on 'Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems' (Chinese Version)

This webinar, jointly organised by IRENA and CEPRI, marked the release of the Chinese translation of the IRENA publication Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems. The study focuses on the latest developments and good practices to develop grid connection codes for power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy – solar photovoltaic and wind.

The webinar brought together international and Chinese experts to discuss the latest developments of grid codes for renewables integration in power systems.

Grid codes play a critical role in building trust between the system operators and stakeholders. They remain one of the central tools to ensure the security of supply of a power system at any time. Grid connection codes define technical requirements, regulations, and behaviour for all active participants in the power system, including power generators, adjustable loads, storage, and other units. Grid codes are evolving, to enable innovative technologies to be connected to the network safely, without compromising the reliability of supply.

The event was held on 5 December 2022 at 16:00 - 18:40 Beijing Time (9:00 - 11:40 Bonn Time) and available in English and Chinese languages.

The agenda can be found here.

Watch the recording [English/Chinese]: