Collaborative Framework on Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems

The next meeting of the Collaborative Framework on Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems is dedicated to Cross-Sectoral Strategies.

Greater deployment of renewables and advancing an end-use-centric approach in agriculture and health requires greater efforts than simply deploying decentralised systems or delivering units of electricity. An ecosystem needs to be developed that addresses unmet quality and affordable energy needs for these sectors and broader livelihood activities along with a range of other non-technology support to realise the full benefits of interventions. Such an ecosystem hinges on policies and programme design, training and capacity building, access to financing, technology innovation, and market access.

Increasing shares of renewable energy to promote energy access can bring substantial benefits, such as stimulating economic activity, enhancing livelihoods, improving essential public services and strengthening climate resilience.

Productive use of energy (PUE) covers a broad spectrum of energy-enabled products that could be applied to health and agrifood sectors and further foster livelihoods when used by customers to generate additional or new sources of income.

Promoting the PUE is an important aspect in the design and implementation of cross-sectoral strategies which are developed in recognition that the provision of energy in itself is not the end-goal, but important enabler for development of services.

IRENA has steadily increased its focus on renewable energy for productive use, shifting from a simple electrification approach to one aiming at improving livelihoods, stimulating economic activity, reducing poverty, and enhancing the quality of social services.

The meeting aimed to promote an open dialogue and sharing of experiences on cross-sectoral alignment on renewable energy solutions in support of SDGs, with an emphasis on the nexus with water, agri-food and health sectors. The meeting dived into different aspects of productive use of energy in the agri-food sector, including technology options, policy and regulations, delivery and business model and financing.

Meeting participation was by invitation only.

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