Workshop held to review the Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) methodology


A workshop on the Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA) methodology was held on 22 April 2012 at IRENA headquarters in Abu Dhabi with over 35 participants including representatives from governments, inter-governmental organisations, private sector, NGOs and academia. The workshop aimed to kick off a mid-term review of the methodology and to improve and enrich the RRA process.

An RRA is a holistic assessment of conditions for renewable energy deployment in a country that helps identify where more actions are needed to improve readiness, find the partners and organisations who can help deliver such actions, and facilitate focused discussions with bilateral and multi-lateral partners. The RRA comprises a methodology and a process that include completing a set of templates and a final assessment report.

At the workshop, the current RRA methodology and the lessons from the two pilot countries where RRAs have already been conducted – Senegal and Mozambique – were presented along with the experiences from other international organisations that are conducting related work. The participants subsequently discussed in small groups how to improve the existing methodology and the RRA process.

While the current RRA methodology and process provide a standard framework applicable for all countries that is made easy for governments to complete, the participants expressed the need to retain flexibility to reflect specific national conditions rather than keeping the assessments generic. IRENA will reflect the feedback from this workshop and work further to complete the methodology by the end of 2012.

For more details on this methodology, please visit RRA page.
(Mr) Imran Habib Ahmad
Head of Regions Unit, KMTC Directorate
